Friday, February 25, 2011

The Guardian

The Guardian
5 x 5"
I took reference photos of hens and this wonderful rooster at the Inn at Little Washington. The chicken coop is like no other. Very charming, with a victorian style. The fence surround was just as unique.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

DPW Single Rose and 10 minute challenge

This is a Daily Paintworks Challenge. The challenge was to paint a 3 x 3 section in 10 minutes and paint four of anything. So I chose an onion. It's a great exercise to help paint faster and looser.

Single Rose


6 x 4"


This is another Daily Paintworks Challenge. I loved painting this. The photo was perfect with its light and shadow making it much easier to paint.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Off the tree

Off the Tree
6 x 6"
Another apple!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is that me?

Is That Me?
6 x 6"
I'm into painting reflective surfaces now. Challenging to say the least. I try to look at it in an abstract way so I don't get too overwhelmed when I start. I started painting glass this way and now I love to paint glass.