These are asiatic lilies. They have a wonderful smell and last farely long. A new day brings an open bud. But watch out for those stamens. It will stain everything including your fingers and fabric. I usually pull them off before that happens. I like the light and shadow in this painting.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Pink Tulips

More flowers! After a few days tulips in a vase tend to sag and droop. I like that, makes them less formal. As you're painting them they can change too. The bud gradually opens and before you know it your still life has completely taken on a new look. I guess I can't call it a still life!
Friday, October 14, 2011
I love flowers! I try to have a fresh bouquet in our kitchen all the time. It brightens my day and helps when I need something to paint. Carnations last a long time. I usually start with a large bouquet in a large vase and as they die off I cut the stems and place in smaller containers. Centuries ago flowers had meanings and were picked to convey a message. White carnations mean remembrance. check out the meaning of flowers,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Utensils 2
Here's another one-DPW challenge. There are certain brushes that I use all the time. They feel comfortable and make the paint go on smoothly. These are not them because I was using my favorites.
Monday, October 10, 2011
This small work is a Daily Paint Works challenge. We were to paint what you paint with. A fun exercise.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Donuts!! Love the smell in Krispy Kreme. I'm tempted every time I drive by and see their neon sign lit up announcing a fresh batch. I love painting desserts cuz I get to eat it after I'm done.
small oil paintings
Monday, October 3, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
This is another Daily Paint Works challenge-to paint anything stacked. It was definitely a challenge to paint an all white object. I'm practicing more all white paintings. So you'll see more posts.
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