Monday, July 12, 2010

On the Sill
6" x 6"
I took a reference photo of this last spring and finally got around to painting it. There's something about looking through a window in a painting. Not sure if I feel serenity or the anticipation of feeling the sun on my face. I love being in the sun! Next week is vacation relaxing on the beach. Got my stack of books ready! Need I say more?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

You don't say!

You Don't Say!
5" x 7" Oil
This is my new favorite color combination; green, orange, purple. Love the way the green goes dark to light. Pears are fun to paint so I painted a larger version of this, 18 x 24.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In the Breeze

In the Breeze

Oil, 14" x 11", $300

This is another from my Monday night painting class. The class is only 2 hours long so I need to block in fast and get the values right. It took 2 classes to finish. I think I got it though.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hurry Up!

Hurry Up!
Oil 12" x 9"
Good grief, it's July already! what happened to June? I've been painting but not posting. Shame on me.
Don't you love this little gal? I take photos of random dogs when I go walking. This one was enjoying the cherry bloosoms in DC. So much activity and she spotted another dog up ahead. This and a few others are going in an exhibit. I paint with a great group of women and gentleman on Wednesdays. We eat, drink, critique, and paint. "The Pate Painters", as we are called, are exhibiting at Bohrer Park Center, Gaithersburg, MD starting July 7.